Early Destination Places


Home Page rglaze@att.net

In 2005 we move to Monterey from Los Altos Ca. and the busy Silicon Valley.

Things changed for us and we did some re-grouping.

In 2006 I have a Detached Retina, 3 major surgery’s.  In 2009, MVC, my company & employer for over twenty years shuts down, and after long and successful lives our parents pass on. We are now thinking we want to travel some more and we go try the major river boats and the ocean going ships.

like the Viking Star: (no driving - no packing)

Rhone River: France  2012

Viking Star:  Barcelona, Spain to     Venice, Italy then a side trip to Sicily, 2015

Cuba: Miami to Havana  2017

Douro River: Portugal to Spain  2018

Rhine River:  Basel, Switzerland to

Amsterdam, Netherlands  2019

COVID-19  2020